VTX PERFORMANCE - Grappler Development Program


VTX Performance’s Grappler Development Program (GDP) is designed to prepare you to perform - whether you are fighting for a world championship or just want to flatten the guard pullers at your local gym; we have designed a comprehensive program that develops your overall strength, cardio performance and explosive power without sacrificing your mobility.

  • The VTX GDP rotates between max force, velocity and pure power days, consisting of pushes, pulls, holds, jumps, and throws.

  • The VTX GDP 8 week program includes 3 training sessions per week, ensuring you can still get your rolls in. We have also included an optional one week deload following the initial 8 weeks.

  • Plan to train for approximately one hour start to finish for each session.

  • The VTX GDP includes 24 training sessions, an in-depth mobility + stretching plan (with a demo of each movement), plus an athlete goal setting sheet and athlete data log.

  • The program is designed to evaluate how you are progressing on a weekly basis so that you will accurately see your results on paper when chasing a heavier double on your press and squats, and recording faster bar speeds on your jumps and presses.

  • Our program is designed for both males and females.

  • The VTX GDP requires access to at least a set of free weights, a barbell, resistance bands, a med ball and dumbbells or kettlebells.

  • You will receive a PDF version of the GDP program via email from jax@vtxperformance.com. Double check that you enter the correct email address upon purchasing and check your junk folder if you're having trouble locating the email.

  • Consult with your doctor or physician before starting the GDP program.

  • All purchases are final.

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